Do you have education in Food Technology?
supplier of cultures, wide range and fast tests for detection of antibiotic residues in milk, enzymes, coagulants, ingredients for the prevention of yeast and mould growth on food, crop protection, carotenoids, preservation products, ripening bags. Qualified technologists assist with individual technical decisions and comprehensive support. Working and sharing the know-how in the dairy, we keep the principle of confidentiality of the process. Supplied high quality products created by DSM Food Specialties and technological knowledge will optimize the existing production processes and solve the existing technological problems, create new product recipes
We are continuing to grow our business in Latvia and invite us to join -
Who will lead our business in Latvia and support our clients - dairy companies, in their product development. Area Sales Manager is sole our employee in Latvia and reports to General Manager Baltics.
We are looking for someone who:
- Is active, self-driven, sales personality,
- eager to learn,
- education in food technology,
- experience in sales preferably
- speaks Latvian, English and Russian,
- has driving licence.
We are offering:
- job in a very innovative, state of the art company,
- necessary training and development opportunities,
- competitive salary that is bult from fixed and variable part,
- company car, that can be used also for private purpose.
If interested, please send your CV to
Jūsu datu drošība
Atbilstoši spēkā esošajai Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes Vispārīgajai datu aizsardzības regulai (Es) 2016/679 (“VDAR”) gribam uzsvērt, ka:
Jūsu personas dati – CV, pieteikuma vēstuli un cita atbilstoša Jūsu sūtītā informācija - tiek uzglabāta un apstrādāta tikai konkrētiem mērķiem- izmantošanai personāla atlases projektu ietvaros un informēšanai par jaunām atbilstošām darba iespējām.
Jūsu personas dati netiek nodoti trešajām personām, iepriekš to nesaskaņojot ar Jums. ARIKO ReServ nodrošina pilnīgu kandidātu datu konfidencialitāti, izpaužot tos potenciālajam darba devējam tikai ar kandidāta piekrišanu.
ARIKO ReServ saglabā Jūsu datus tik ilgi, cik nepieciešams, lai īstenotu datu ievākšanai paredzētos mērķus, un cik vajadzīgs vai atļauts saskaņā ar spēkā esošo likumdošanu. Pēc šī perioda dati tiek dzēsti. Jums ir iespējams savu informāciju atjaunot jauna atlases projekta sakarā, ja tas atbilst Jūsu interesēm, rakstot savu pieprasījumu uz e-pastu, un mēs sazināsimies ar Jums 2 darba dienu laikā.